praying hands by Durerparying-hands-trim-sm.jpg (3329 bytes)Moments Closest to Christ   

praying hands by Durerparying-hands-trim-sm.jpg (3329 bytes)Moments Closest to Christ   

praying hands by Durerparying-hands-trim-sm.jpg (3329 bytes)Moments Closest to Christ   

What was the moment in which you felt closest to Christ?

     The above question is asked each week during a Cursillo reunion group. Participating in such weekly groupings is part of the rule of life of a Cursillista. Hearing these "moments closest" has always been, for me, the highlight of this weekly time of sharing.

A Substitute Teacher - Fear Not said the Angel of the Lord
Saying Goodbye to a Beloved Pet - On putting my cat to sleep
Praise God from whom All Blessings Flow - Holding a Baby
Remembering the General - a Eulogy for my grandmother - Myra Chatburn Davidsmeyer


About the 
Moments Closest 
web site

     I started this web site in 2003, after being laid off from my job of 19 years and unable to find long-term gainful employment. After my unemployment compensation ran out, I took catch-as-catch-can jobs, usually evening shifts, which prevented me from participating in the weekly Cursillo grouping that was so much a part of my life. I missed it! To continue to share some of my own moments closest and to continue to be part of a community of worshippers, I started this web site. 
     I hope you enjoy the site and some of these moments closest. Please feel free to email me with your own moments closest. 
     Have a blessed and wonderful day!

Reunion Group Invocation

Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in us the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and we shall be created and you shall renew the face of the earth. O God, who by the light of your Holy Spirit instructs the hearts of the faithful, grant that, by the same Holy Spirit, we may be truly wise and ever rejoice in His consolations: through Christ our Lord. Amen

[A Substitute Teacher - Fear Not said the Angel of the Lord]
[Saying Goodbye to a Beloved Pet - On putting my cat to sleep]
[Praise God from whom All Blessings Flow - Holding a Baby]
[Remembering the General - a Eulogy for my grandmother - Myra Chatburn Davidsmeyer] copyright © 2003 - 2012 by Jo Davidsmeyer. All rights reserved.

(Sales of posters below help to defray the cost of maintaining this website.)